Osman Sinav was born in the year of 1958, in the city of Burdur. During the period between the years of 1975 and 1979, at the Istanbul State Fine Arts Academy, first he attended painting and textiles design education, and following that, he followed the curriculum of cinema and television department.
Osman Sinav, who started his career in writing text for the television advertisements and directing, during the period between the years of 1984 and 1987, took part in filmmaking of more than 500 advertisement films. After that, he wanted to carry his attraction to visual arts and accumulation to the cinema. He has established the film making company Sinegraf. The studies on feature film, television film and drama production and directing which started in the year of 1987 are the results of his passion.
In his cinema journey which he has started in the year of 1987, Osman Sinav, for television, shot the films named Bir Muharririn Olumu, Yalanci Safak, Atlikarinca, Hunkarin Bir Gunu, Kucuk Dunya, Aska Kimse Yok, Kapilari Acmak and Yalanci, and for cinema, he shot the films named Gerilla, Deli Yurek Bumerang Cehennemi and Pars Kiraz Operasyonu and added new richness to the silver screen of Turkey.
In the year of 1991, he focused his studies on the subject of serials making for televisions. The artist, who established himself as a qualified director, has become the producer and the director of 23 hit serials including Super Baba, Deli Yurek, Hayat Baglari, Ekmek Teknesi, Aci Hayat, Kurtlar Vadisi, Sakarya Firat and Sen Anlat Karadeniz, Yalnız Kurt His serials attracted attention not only in Turkey but also in televisions of several countries, covering a wide geography of the world.
Osman Sinav, who for as long as 30 years contributed several memorable works to our world of cinema and film, is also a member of Association of Directors and Union of Cinema Work Careerists.
The artist who says, “This is my job. It is somewhat related with the heuristics and yet, somewhat it is related to looking towards the pulse of the people, looking from inside. I think I have caught that. I have always taken the saying “People does not understand” as an insult. On the contrary, the people understand very well. If you are doing something right, absolutely it will be rewarded.” believes that, what lies behind the fact that his films are liked very much by the audience is the attempt to understand the person and the society without prejudice. In his works, he makes synthesis of the cultural values of this land, this climate and this society that we are a part of, and rather than best selling, he aims to reach the human.